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December 1, 2011


Go Ahead, Be Picky – Choose Your Brand Influencers with Care

by MavenSocial

When working with your brand’s social media influencers it is important that you are selective about the ones that you choose to work with.

But let me back up.

What are social media influencers anyways?

Social media influencers are the people who affect the success of your brand online.  These people knowingly or unknowingly effectively disseminate information across multiple platforms to people.  They are mega sharers – passing on information about your brand.  They also do a fabulous job of drawing other people into a brand campaign, sometimes creating multiple layers of sharing…so it’s good to have them on your side!

Choose Your Influencers Carefully:

One of the influencers who is effecting positive change in your campaign has a high Kloutscore – so what?  There is more to someone’s influence than their score.  If you read through their tweets and blogs posts, and the most they have to say about make-up is that it looks good on a model, but they don’t wear it any time other than Halloween, why are you as a make-up

Top Social Media Influencers of a campaign identified with WhiteFire Social, brought to you by MavenSocial!

company trying to cater to them and get them on board?  It’s all about perspective.  Be picky, you have every right to.

Size doesn’t Matter:

Don’t judge someone based on the number of followers they have, blog posts or superbly high Klout score.  It is more valuable for your brand to initiate a working relationship with someone who has a dedicated 300 people fan base, as opposed to a 3,000 person fan base that is at most listening and unresponsive.

Consider the Long-Term:

Where’s the brand loyalty?  Companies like brand influencers because they can count on them to tweet  or blog about an upcoming campaign or event…but how long will this honeymoon last?  People’s attention spans are beginning to look a lot like Twitter’s 140 character limit – short and punchy – but short lived.

Be attentive to the needs of brand influencers – it’s all about the relationship that you create with them.  Recognition is huge!  If in your work and personal life you love to feel recognized and appreciated, why wouldn’t brand influencers want to feel the same way?  It’s about quality over quantity and relational recognition.

The Solution – MavenSocial:

Here at MavenSocial, we use a software called WhiteFire Social, with this software we are able to determine who the social media influencers of are every campaign that is run through the system.  With out backend analytics we can map out the effect the social media influencer has on the campaign, helping brands not only identify, but also understand the power of an influencer on their campaign.

Our software also helps us to identify Social Lift.  Social lift is the free sharing and traffic that originates from the initial media spend on a campaign.  This is all tracked, recorded, and reported on within the WhiteFire Social backend dashboard.

2 Comments Post a comment
  1. getfitwithkevin
    Jun 11 2012

    I just checked my Klout score for the first time last week. My score was higher then expected. It’s nice to know how far my reach is, but it would be cool to find out how many people I actually influence.

    • Jun 11 2012

      For a lot of people, their Klout score is mainly based off of their Facebook interaction, crazy to think how much time you spend on Facebook…perfect place for marketers!

      As for tracking influence, Klout is not the place to do that, tracking and real-time social analytics is where we come in. Klout is more of an indicator, and is still very much of an art, as opposed to a science.


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